
1:1 virtual reality 3D model on SnowX

This 3D model is about exhilaration and trepidation. Its name is a combination of ‘fluttering’ and ‘fluctuate’ with fate. 

‘Fluctuation’ has been a significant aspect of minting with Ethereum, as I watch the numbers flash and change during a mint.

This model is ‘fluttering’. It has wings and eyelashes galore. Just like my heart beats watching the eth numbers flash, and my eyelashes beat up and and down as I stare at the glass screens watching the NFT art world manifest and grow before my very eyes.

I am controlling my own fate, it is now up to me where I situate myself in this world, through my actions I can acquire knowledge and fly. I need to be ‘intrepid’.

Fluttering can also be, letting your mind flitter from content-piece to content-piece, searching for the nectar of information.

You can see the figures are fragile and ‘broken’ open in places, this is what happens when you take your art and your creative process and put it into the crypto/ commercial context. Its delicate butterfly vulnerability emerges and you need to find that nectar fast! 

If a butterfly lives for a month, I wonder how long my art will live for, maybe it will intrepidly flutter on, or maybe it will evolve.

Contact SnowX for a guided personal private view on your virtual reality device. https://link3.to/snowx

SnowX: The first VR NFT marketplace

It is ‘amazing’ to pick up the 3d model, turn it around, make it bigger and smaller. It is a very intense physical experience of something that only exists virtually. The app SnowX is based on a huge amount of field research into the world of VR art and that sensitivity to the nature of the art form comes through in the design!

Having the SnowX app as a medium has made me think of my models as ‘worlds’ in and of themselves and create pieces you can fly through and jump around in, to discover all the details!